Tuesday, May 24, 2011

carta 5/23

ok entonces realmente no hice nada para mi cumpleanos...fui a la iglesia..pero este famila esta bien, llegaron a la iglesia entonces los vamos a bautixzar el sabado que viene...estoy muy emocionado para esto...ellos son pilas....realmente ellos accepten todo sin dudas...la unica cosa que ellos no quieron acceptar es acerca de el baile...piensen que la biblia dice que no debemos bailar entoces no lo deberiamos hacer....pero este es la unica cosa....a ver que pasa...yo digo que ellos estan preparados.....solo a ver que pasa este semana....

ayer en la iglesia despues de las reuniones la presidenta de la primaria se acerco a mi y me pidio a quedar unos minutos mas....yo le dije esta bueno....ella salio y llamo a nosotros verdad y entramos al cuarto y ellos empezaron a cantar feliz cumpleanos....y todos me dieron una tarjetita..
estaba calidad.....pero how didjared dislocate his knee what was he doing?
love you too
elder Price

Okay so I didn’t really do anything for my birthday… went to church… but that family are doing good, they came to church so we’re gonna baptize them next Saturday… I’m really excited for that… they’re awesome… they really accept everything without a doubt… the only thing that they don’t want to accept is dancing… they think that the bible says we shouldn’t dance therefore we shouldn’t do it… but that’s the only thing… we’ll see what happens… I say they’re ready… we’ll just have to see what happenes this week…

Yesterday at church after the meetings the primary president came up to me and asked me to stay for a few minutes more… I told her that was fine… she left and called to us and we went into the room and they all started to sing Happy Birthday… and they all gave me a card… pretty cool…

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