Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Letter Home 11 10 09

no not all of my money got stolen and there isn't anything that pres can do. so it s not worth telling him. but its all good. i don't know if the guy is OK or not we didn't stay and watch what happened. he wasn't moving but there was an ambulance that was like 5 cars back so he got help.-..you need to chill out and relax. there is nothing that happened that i cant deal with.

just Spanish is driving me crazy. we had another thing with another zone yesterday that went well. it was good to see the others from my ccm group.

the ward is good we just need a new ward mission leader the one we have is inactive so its not really working for us. but we will see what happens when we get a new one. but other than that everything is good. we get along well as a companionship so its all good but now I'm freaking out about trying to get a new comp in and be able to get us everywhere that we need to go and stuff like that. but that isn't until next Monday.

so i think that Internet for us is on Tuesday again but I'm not positive we don't find anything out until the day before normally. but its all good.

i got this sick jersey last week its brasil and legit. i think i have a picture of it. but not sure if its a good one. but yea.

well with the family he is leaving for Nicaragua this week so it is good and bad because then we aren't teaching him but its good because we are going to progress with the family a lot more. its better to progress as a family though. but that's about it for me this week we are going to a conference today with elder acosta who if the other missionaries are right is in the presidency of the 70 and there is a rumor that elder anderson is going to be there too so I'm stoked for that. and after I'm going on divisions for two days with this elder that came here same time as me but was only in the mtc for 3 weeks cause he already knows Spanish. cool kid though.

love you all
elder price
pics ccm president and wife i look weird in the picture though.
me in jersey and close up on brasil

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