pues.....este semana fue horrible. mi companero se enfermo.....el no queria hacer nada por que su cabeza le dolio y tenia fievre y todo....entonces fue bastante dificil aa hacer todo.....pero si y hoy me levante a las 4 con lo mismo y le duro como 3 dias entonces no estoy bien feliz de que va a pasar en estos dias....
pero el martes mi companero me levanto y queria un bendicion...entonces llamamos a nuestro vecino que es de el barrio y dimos un bendicion a mi companero verdad....y despues llamamos a la enfermera de la mision y el tenia calientura y todo su temperatura fue como 41 grados....mas o menos 101 y algo...pero tome esto despues de dar tylenol que baja temperatura....pero ahora yo tengo lo mismo......pero decidi a hacerlo desayuno....y hice algo completemente americano.....grilled cheese...oh yea i made grilled cheese and it was fantastic....it has been over 17 months that i ate that wonderful concoction.....
ok no se como es en espana pero aqui dirrecciones de casa son bien locos...es mas o menos asi...ok anda por la 41 avenida hasta que vea una tienda toma la proximo derecha y anda hasta que vea un chucho que siempre esta ahi..es la casa amarillo lado cualquier.....direcciones son bien chafa.....supuestemente el chucho siempre esta pero, saber.....entonces te quiero mucho espero que todo esta bine en utah..
Well… this week was horrible. My companion got sick… he didn’t want to do anything because his head hurt and he had a fever and all… so it was pretty difficult to do everything… but ya and today I got up at 4 with the same thing and it lasted him like 3 days so I’m not very happy about how the next couple of days are going to be….
But Tuesday my companion woke me up and wanted a blessing… so we called our neighbor that is in the ward and we gave him a blessing… and then we called the mission nurse and he had a temperature and all, his temperature was like 41 degrees (Celsius) more or less 101 (Fahrenheit) and all…I took his temperature after giving him Tylenol and the temperature went down…but now I have the same thing… but I decided to make breakfast and I made something completely American… grilled cheese...oh yea i made grilled cheese and it was fantastic....it has been over 17 months that i ate that wonderful concoction.....
Okay I don’t know how it is in Spain, but here house directions are pretty crazy… more or less it’s like this…okay walk for 41 blocks until to see a store, take the next right and walk until you see a mutt that is always there. It’s the yellow house on the side of whatever….directions are pretty bad…supposedly the mutt is always there, but who knows…hope everything is good in Utah.
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